Wednesday, November 7, 2012

AMERICA HIGHJACKED - Obama's Landside Victory

Here's a theory: Obama being elected is a civil rights movement for the United States to Unite us, to move us forward as a nation, to set aside our views of other people for their color, religion, or sexual preference, for their short comings etc. Someone (not Obama) is running this country, running these elections, and running our lives. Obama is a puppet, just a puppet (which is nothing that we didn't know already) though he is the face that is suppose to lead us away from Civil Rights issues. 

9/11 was suppose to unite us all; it did but only for a matter of a few years. Now it is Obama that is suppose to unite us, its someones sick way of trying to unite the United States. Call me crazy, but the election was a scam, it was rigged. No matter how many people voted for Romney, Obama was suppose to win. According to the 2012 polls Obama won 303 to Romney's 206. Obama won by a landside. The election in 2008 Obama won 365 to McCain's 173. Why such a huge landside victory for Obama? I just don't believe that America is capable of moving on from the past this quickly, from racism, from a change in morals. Obama is moving us into a direction rapidly into uncharted territory therefore humbling us into a third world country. 

Furthermore, Obama won this time with no plan set in place, the numbers show he hasn't moved us "forward" in fact we've gone backwards into debt during these past 3.5 years. We are so far down in debt that the only way to move is up. This is where the "Obama Plan" starts , these next four years are going to be the years where we see Obama change this country, do amazing things and which may apear as miracles to our own eyes. Obama will appear to be doing these things, but its all a scam, its all so that we can believe that this black muslim man is the answer for America. That Obama brought this great nation back together, back on track, out of bigotry and out of this depressed state of economic turmoil.

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