Friday, December 27, 2013

CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION - this time for no outrage

UGANDA - Gays will be put to death or see 14 years in prison. The sole purpose of this article is to expose Christians as the baddies once again. Since Christians weren't outraged over this and they were over Duck Dynasty. 

About a week ago, Phil Robertson was suspended from his family’s show Duck Dynasty for comments he made regarding homosexuality. About two to three days later, Uganda passes a bill through it’s legislative body which would imprison....(read more)The article goes on further saying that they are willing to give Christianity the benefit of the doubt since it was Christmas week and we were all busy trimming the trees and sipping hot cocoa. As if focusing on ourselves is all we Christians do for society.

It is outrageous that the media makes many attempts to generalize Christians as a non-caring group of people. This article is a futile attempt to condemn a group of people during the holidays and furthermore push the agenda of homosexuals. Christianity as a base is a group focused on the love and welfare of men which encompasses all forms. Why divide the American people with this form of rubbish and persecute Christians further for their beliefs simply because it does not fall in line with the homosexual or liberal agenda? It seems to me, the second someone from the liberal party pushes a topic and any topic for that matter, Christians are supposed to jump on the liberal-media bandwagon and shout along side their solicited homosexual ramblings. If we do not comply we are then posed as part of the problem. In the minds of liberals and liberal-media Christians are not allowed to have an unpopular opinion as they should stay silent.

We are all different and unique at the same time, we are also all created in the image of God. To set the record straight, if individuals are being imprisoned or put to death for their choices to live the homosexual lifestyle we Christians are against it. Furthermore, this does not give liberal-media the right to attack Christianity or paint a false picture of what we as Christians are for or against. But then again we do have free speach.


  1. Important not to be so open-minded that our brains fall out.

    And yet this article is proof positive that it's equally as important not to be so closed-minded that our brains are starved of oxygen.

  2. To be open-minded is to accept others beliefs and not condemn a group of people who your biased opinion doesn't coincide with.

  3. And speaking of biased opinions...

  4. I'm not sure what is the thesis of this blog post. If a Christian wishes to point out the undue concern given by Christians in general to Phil Robertson, and the relative inattention given by Christians to the situation in Uganda (among other things), what avenue does he have to which you would not object?
